Learning Opportunity

Living and Organically Modeling Effective Emotion Regulation Skills for a Calmer Classroom

This session has been completed.
Registration Closed
Webinar will NOT be recorded
Facilitator: Kelly Maxwell
Date:June 11, 2024
Time:4:00 pm to 6:00 pm MTN
Location: Virtual
Session Code: 24-MH-242-CARC
Focus: Inclusive Education Mental Health and Wellness

Target Audience


About this Learning Opportunity

A calm classroom is a goal for every educator. This session teaches you how to model your own effective emotion regulation skills in an age-appropriate way for your students. Over time, this equips students to access these skills when they experience emotional vulnerability independently.

This session addresses the LQS competencies

  • 2. Modeling Commitment to Professional Learning
  • 4. Leading a Learning Community

This session addresses the TQS competencies

  • 2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning
  • 3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge

This learning opportunity is being subsidized through funding from Alberta Education.

About the Facilitator

Kelly Maxwell

When you meet Kelly Maxwell, one of the first things you will hear her talk about is how learning Dialectical Behavior Therapy skills changed her personally and professionally. After teaching for 32 years, she handed in her classroom keys and is now sharing about her challenging journey with her son’s mental illness and how it transformed how she can communicate with those who struggle with their emotions. Her presentations are filled with relatable stories where participants gain... Read more »